
As a Local Distribution Company, NT Power is regulated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) a crown corporation that is responsible for overseeing the province’s electricity and natural gas sectors and all of its participants. NT Power's rate applications must be approved through a complex hearing process from the OEB. The OEB also sets the prices for Regulated Price Plan electricity rates and approves the rates for distribution/delivery and transmission. In short, they are the regulatory policy makers, and it is our job to inform you on our regulatory activities.

NT Power's Distribution Licence

Decision and Rate Orders
Ontario Energy Board (OEB) Scorecard
Ontario's Electricity Supply Mix


Electricity Sources

 Ontario's Electricity Mix*

Nuclear Energy50.8%
Natural Gas*12.5% 
Wind 8.7%
Solar PV 2.3%
Bioenergy 0.4% 
Other (Non-emitting)** 0.8%

* Includes Lennox, dual fuel (natural gas/bioenergy) and non-contractied emitting generation consistent with IESO.

** Non-Contracted represents a variety of fuel types that the IESO is unable to categorize due to a lack of information from Local Distribution Companies (LDCs).



1. Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding.

2. Figures do not account for the sale and retirement of Clean Energy Credits (CECs)

Please click here to view Ontario's System-Wide Electricity Supply Mix Data Live.


Bill S-211: An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to Amend the Customs Tariff

As a result of Bill S-211, An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff, NT Power has prepared a report to address forced and child labour in its supply chain. 

View NT Power's Bill S-211 Report