Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with NT Power.
Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with NT Power.
Newmarket Phone: (905) 895-2309
Tay Phone: (705) 534-7281
Midland Phone: (705) 526-9361
Fax: (905) 895-8931
Email: Click here to show mail address
Chat: Available during office hours
Administration, Customer Service & Collections
8:30 am - 4:00 pm*
Operations Hours
7:00 am - 3:00 pm*
*Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays.
Please note that if you are subject to disconnection due to non-payment of an account, please call a customer service representative as soon as possible, and we will help you make payment arrangements.
Mailing address:
NT Power
590 Steven Court
Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z2
Streetlights are owned and maintained by your local municipality. If you’re calling to report a streetlight issue, please get in touch with the municipality directly.
Phone: 1-888-735-4801
Hours of Operation: 24 hours a day, seven days per week
Always remember to stay clear of downed power lines.
If you need to report an emergency such as a downed power line, tree limbs on lines or electrical equipment that is sparking and dangerous, please call our emergency number immediately: 1-888-735-4801. Our emergency number is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
Please click here to visit the Town of Newmarket's website or call (905) 895-5193 for more information.
The Call Centre and Internal Staff are available from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Monday through Friday.
Operations are available from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Please contact Ontario-One-Call (Call Before You Dig) before you dig anywhere - for your personal safety and for the protection of lines and other expensive utility equipment that are located underground.
Please see our Safety details for more information or Phone: 1-800-400-2255